PROJECT: EventsPlus+


EventsPlus+ is a Command Line Interface (CLI) desktop address book application catered for busy university students to manage their contacts, events, project meetings and ad-hoc events efficiently. It aims to simplify some of the more time-consuming administrative tasks such as coordinating location and date of ad-hoc events. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has more than 10 kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Code contributed: [RepoSense]

  • Major enhancement: added the Events feature

    • What it does: Allows the user to manage events with event tags and reference to existing contacts in EventsPlus+.

    • Justification: Users should be able to use the application to manage his/her events, and should be able to incorporate contacts in EventsPlus+ into events, since both are features of the application.

    • Highlights: Users are able to view the crucial person information from events by hovering over the contact in the event, without searching for the person directly. Event tags are standardized based on a list of event tags displayed, which can be modified by the user. This feature sets the foundation for the inclusion of more event-related functionalities in future.

  • Other enhancements:

    • added the command auto-completion feature

      • What it does: Allows user to use the Tab key to auto-complete command words.

      • Justification: Saves time on typing commands and reduces effort of remembering full commands.

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Set up Travis, Appveyor and auto-publishing of documentation

      • Managed releases v1.2 and v1.4.1 on GitHub

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Added the add event/delete event/view event contacts/edit event address functionalities and tests (Pull requests #60, #83, #88, #95, #119, #120, #121, #130, #138, #177)

      • Added the add event tag/find event/command auto-completion functionalities and tests (Pull requests #138, #175, #174)

      • Re-organized BrowserPanel to be grouped under a TabPanel (Pull request #88)

    • Documentation:

      • Updated documentation for the enhancements as above (Pull requests #38, #73, #99, #102, #141, #178)

      • Created initial UI Mockup of the product (Pull requests #38)

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #12, #32, #19, #42

      • Contributed to forum discussions (#116)

      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are some excerpts of the sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Adding an event: addEvent, alias ae

Adds an event in the system with information specified by the user.


  • Event names and descriptions should only contain alphanumeric characters and should not have any special characters e.g. *, &, etc.

  • Event dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • Event times (start or end time) should be in the 24-hour format HHMM

  • Start and end times for a given event can be the same.
    e.g. addEvent n/Doctor Appointment dsc/Consultation d/2018-10-14 st/1030 et/1030 a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 is a valid command

  • Contact indices should be based on the latest displayed person list.

  • Event type has to be one of the existing tags in the EventsPlus+. If an event tag does not exist in EventsPlus+, it has to be added in before creating the event with the new event tag.

  • If no event address is supplied by the user, "TBD" will be set in place of the address.


  • Without contacts and event tags
    addEvent n/Doctor Appointment dsc/Consultation d/2018-10-14 st/1030 et/1200 a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665

  • With a single contact
    addEvent n/Doctor Appointment dsc/Consultation d/2018-10-14 st/1030 et/1200 a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 i/1

  • With multiple contacts
    Find Betsy Tim John
    addEvent n/Meeting dsc/Project meeting d/2018-10-14 st/1030 et/1200 a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 i/1 i/2 i/3

  • With contact indices and event tags
    addEventTag t/Meeting t/Appointment
    addEvent n/Doctor Appointment dsc/Consultation d/2018-10-14 st/1030 et/1200 a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 i/1 t/Meeting t/Appointment

In EventsPlus+, the events can be found in the Events tab, and are displayed according to their date, in decreasing date order. Within each date, the events are ordered from earliest to latest.

Viewing an event’s contacts: seeEventContacts, alias sec

Shows an event’s contacts in the persons list. The information displayed in aligned with that in the UI when hovering over the event contact.

Format: seeEventContacts d/DATE(YYYY-MM-DD) i/EVENT_INDEX

  • To view all persons again after this command, use the list command.

  • Event dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • Event index is based on the displayed index of each event within each date in the displayed list (see example below).
    e.g. In the screenshot below, the event named "Meeting" is the 1st event on the date 2018-04-01, hence the command seeEventContacts d/2018-04-01 i/1 will refer to this event.
    The event named "Lecture" is the 2nd event on the date 2018-10-18, hence the command seeEventContacts d/2018-10-18 i/2 will refer to this event.

  • When a person is deleted or no longer exists in the system, he/she will not appear in the displayed persons list. When hovering over the event contact in the UI, a message indicating this person no longer exists in EventsPlus+ is displayed.

  • If a person has been edited but still has the same identity as the original person added as an event contact, the updated details (latest information of the edited person) is shown, both in the persons list and when hovering over the event contact.


  • seeEventContacts d/2018-04-01 i/1
    To view all persons again after this command, use the list command.

Adding an event tag: addEventTag, alias aet

Adds an event tag specified by the user into the system.

Format: addEventTag t/EVENT_TAG [t/EVENT_TAG…​]

  • Event tags are case-insensitive, and will always be converted into lowercase. i.e. MEETING and meeting are considered the same tag, and only meeting will be shown in EventsPlus+ Executing addEventTag t/MEETING t/meeting will only result in the first tag being added. Executing addEventTag t/MEETING again will not be successful, as the tag already exists in the system.

  • Event tags should only be alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and hence should exclude any spaces, special characters or symbols such as '%', '*', '~'

Deleting an event: deleteEvent, alias de

Adds an event in the system with information specified by the user.

Format: deleteEvent d/DATE(YYYY-MM-DD) i/EVENT_INDEX

Each of the fields are mandatory, and has to be supplied by the user before the event can be successfully deleted from the system.

  • Event dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • Event index is based on the displayed index of each event within each date in the displayed list (see example below).
    e.g. In the screenshot below, the event named "Meeting" is the 1st event on the date 2018-04-01, hence the command deleteEvent d/2018-04-01 i/1 will delete this event.
    The event named "Lecture" is the 2nd event on the date 2018-10-18, hence the command deleteEvent d/2018-10-18 i/2 will delete this event.

Edit event address: editEventAddress, alias eea

Edits the address of the specified event in the address book.


  • Event dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • Event index is based on the displayed index of each event within each date in the displayed list (see example below).
    e.g. In the screenshot below, the event named "Meeting" is the 1st event on the date 2018-04-01, hence the command deleteEvent d/2018-04-01 i/1 will delete this event.
    The event named "Lecture" is the 2nd event on the date 2018-10-18, hence the command deleteEvent d/2018-10-18 i/2 will delete this event.

  • the EVENT_ADDRESS field is mandatory

List all events: listEvent, alias lse

Shows a list of all events in the address book.
Format: listEvent

Find events by event tags: findEvent, alias fe

Shows a list of all events in the address book which are tagged as the specified tags in the command. Event tags are case-insensitive, as described in the addEventTag section.
i.e. MEETING and meeting are regarded as the same tag.

Format: findEvent EVENT_TAG [EVENT_TAG…​]

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are some excerpts of the sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Add/Delete Events feature

Current Implementation

Structure of an Event

In the Model component, an Event consists of various Event attributes. Namely, the classes EventName, EventDescription, EventDate, EventTime, EventAddress are used to represent respective information in an Event, as shown in the Class diagram below. Note that EventDay is generated from EventDate values, and each event also contains a Set of Person and Tag objects, which are used to represent the event contacts (from the address book) and event tags (from event tags currently existing in the address book).

Event class
Adding/Deleting of an Event

Methods have been added to ModelManager, AddressBook and the newly-added class UniqueEventList to facilitate adding and deleting of events. In order to limit modification of the internal list of Event objects, changes to this list is only carried out at the most fundamental level, which is UniqueEventList. AddressBook stores a reference to this internal list, and ModelManager stores an unmodifiable copy of this list.

An example usage scenario of the adding of events is as shown in the sequence diagram below. The diagram shows the interaction between the different components in the system when an event is added. The interaction between components is similar for the deletion of an event.

Interactions between components

More specific interactions between Logic and Model are as shown in the diagram below.

Interactions between Logic and Model

Step 1. User enters command to add an event
Step 2. AddressBookParser calls AddEventCommandParser, which generates an AddEventCommand with an Event and Set<Index>. The latter specifies the contacts (indices) to add into the event.
Step 3. AddEventCommand calls Model#hasEvent, Model#hasClashingEvent, Model#hasEventTag to check if event details are valid.
Step 4. AddEventCommand calls Event#setEventContacts to set the Set<Person> of event contacts (Each Person has to be in the existing address book records).
Step 5. AddEventCommand calls Model#addEvent after all checks have passed. The event is added into the system from the Model component.

For deletion of event(s), the flow is similar. More details can be found in the Developer Guide. Upon adding/deletion of events in Model, AddressBookChangedEvent, AddressBookEventChangedEvent and EventPanelDisplayChangedEvent are triggered from the Model component. The raised events are handled by:

  • UI, which updates the displayed information and updates the active tab to the Events tab, and

  • Storage, which saves the information to an XML data file.

For instance, when an Event is added (or deleted), the event triggers are handled as follows.

Handling of triggered events

UI Events Display

To display the event information according to their date, a list of lists of events grouped by EventDate is set in the ListView object in the EventPanelList. Each cell represents the EventListCard for a particular date, which contains all the events, each displayed in a EventCard. For this implementation, we require ModelManager to be able to return such an ObservableList<List<Event>> object to the UI class MainWindow, and this is achieved via the method ModelManager#getFilteredEventListByDate.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Data Structure to Support the UI Events Display
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Store a list of type ObservableList<List<Event>> in the ListView object in the EventPanelList. This list is re-computed from Model each time a change in the internal list of events is detected, and the updated list is passed to the UI class MainWindow. This facilitates a regeneration of the TabPanel stored in MainWindow, updating the display of events to the user.

    • Pros: We only need to maintain one internal list of Event objects. For the UI to be updated with new information whenever events are added into/deleted from the underlying Event list, we make use of a listener on the filteredEvents list in Model.

      • Whenever there is a change detected by filteredEvents, an AddressBookEventChangedEvent is posted

      • MainWindow resets its TabPanel and passes the re-computed list (events grouped by date) into it.

        Refresh of Tab Panel on Event Change
    • Cons: There is a regeneration of the TabPanel object in MainWindow each time such an event occurs. However, this overhead is still acceptable given the current scale of the AddressBook.

See Event Contacts feature

To obtain an event’s contacts, comparisons are done using Person#isSamePerson to check if for each event contact, there exists a person in the system who is the same person as the contact. By the use of a Predicate with this logic, we then apply the filter on filteredPersons in Model.
General steps are as follows. Detailed diagrams can be found in the Developer Guide.

Step 1. User enters command to see an event’s contacts.
Step 2. AddressBookParser calls SeeEventContactsCommandParser, which generates a SeeEventContactsCommand` with an EventDate and Index
Step 3. SeeEventContactsCommand gets the event.
Step 4. A ExistingPersonInEventPredicate is created based on the event’s contacts from the event retrieved in Step 3.
Step 5. SeeEventContactsCommand calls Model#updateFilteredEventList to filter the displayed list using the Predicate object generated in step 4.

Edit Event Address feature

To edit an event’s existing address, the system first retrieves the event from the address book. This process is similar to that for deleting an event. A new Event object is created with the same details as the old Event object, but with the updated EventAddress. This new Event replaces the old one in the address book in the Model#updateEvent method, i.e. the old Event object is removed from the internal list, and the new one set in its position.
General steps are as follows. Detailed diagrams can be found in the Developer Guide.

Step 1. User enters command to edit an event’s address based on the event date and index (as displayed in the UI)
Step 2. AddressBookParser calls EditEventAddressCommandParser, which generates an EditEventAddressCommand with an EventDate, Index and the updated EventAddress.
Step 3. EditEventAddressCommand gets the event. Step 4. A new event with all details (except EventAddress) duplicated from the old event in step 3 is created.
The EventAddress attribute of this new event is set to the updated EventAddress passed in to EditEventAddressCommand in step 2.
Step 5. The old event is replaced with the new one in the system from the Model component, through the execution of Model#updateEvent.


When editing an event, there are several possible values that can be updated, including the event’s name, description, etc. However, this functionality is mainly catered to complement the suggestLocation functionality, whereby the user can first add an event without specifying any location (and address will be displayed as TBD), and edit the suggested location in afterwards.

Add Event Tags feature

The list of event tags in the system is stored in a UniqueTagList in Model. This implementation requires all event Tag objects to be unique (using case-insensitive comparison)
All event tags are always shown, hence it is sufficient to to keep an ObservableList<Tag> in ModelManager, rather than a FilteredList which is used to store list of Person and Event objects.
General steps are as follows. Detailed diagrams can be found in the Developer Guide.

Step 1. User enters command to add an event tag.
Step 2. AddressBookParser calls AddEventTagCommandParser, which generates an AddEventTagCommand with a Set of Tag object.
Step 3. AddEventTagCommand calls Model#hasEventTag to check for duplicate tags already in the system.
Step 4. AddEventTagCommand calls Model#addEventTag to add the new event Tag into Model.

Filtering of Events

Find Event (by tag) feature

To find events by their tags, we make use of a Predicate. The EventTagMatchesKeywordsPredicate is used in filtering all events which have at least one tag matching at least one of the keywords provided by the user.
General steps are as follows. Detailed diagrams can be found in the Developer Guide.

Step 1. User enters command to find events with certain tags.
Step 2. AddressBookParser calls FindEventCommandParser, which generates an FindEventCommand with an EventTagMatchesKeywordsPredicate.
Step 3. FindEventCommand calls Model#updateFilteredEventList to filter the displayed list using the Predicate generated in step 2.

Similar to the other event-related commands, the list-filtering is done in Model, and the change is propagated to the UI component by triggering an event. The implementation of the listEvent feature is similar to the above, and more details can be found in Developer Guide